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( 12.5 cm Scales )

A.W.Faber-Castell, Stein bei Nuernberg / Germany         (1936)

S C A L E S   of  the   F.-C.   » P O C K E T «     Model 63/39
( 0 ...  14 cm Ruler )                       ( one-sided only )

    A     X2
    B     X2
    C     X
    D     X

R E M A R K S :
This  POCKET-SR  is made of  PEAR WOOD  with  SCALES & BASE  of
celluloid veneer. The print inside says, the SR was a gift from
» RHEINMETALL & BORSIG «  It came in a brown leather case.

                     Historical Remarks ...
© C.HAMANN      08/21/16