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( 8_3/4"  /  22 cm )

SCALES of the  S H U R E   R E A C T A N C E   S L I D E  R U L E
SHURE BROTHERS, INC.  Chicago, Illinois / USA              (1942)

FRONT SIDE     for  Calculations  of  Resonant Frequency Problems
(a) Capacity   [μF]       0.00001  ..  1000                 (fix)
(b) Inductance [H]          10000  ..  0.0001            (slider)
(c) Frequency  [1/s]            5  ..  50000

(d) Capacity   [nF]         0.001  ..  100000               (fix)
(e) Inductance [mH]          1000  ..  0.00001           (slider)
(f) Frequency  [MEG/s]       0.05  ..  500

HOW-TO-USE:   (1) Set INDUCTANCE opposite CAPACITY in either
***********       window  -  Then read RESONANT FREQUENCY
                  opposit arrow in same window.
         OR   (2) Set FREQUENCY opposite arrow in either
                  window  -  Then read INDUCTANCE opposite
                  CAPACITY in same window.

BACK SIDE  for  Capacitive Reactance XC  & Inductive Reactance XL
(g) Capacity   [µF]           100  ..  0.01                 (fix)
(h) Resistance [Ω]           0.01  ..  10M               (slider)
(i)    or      {Ω}       0.000001  ..  1000
(j) Reactance  {Ω}           0.01  ..  10M
(k)            [MΩ]        0.0001  ..  100M
(l) Capacity   [nF]         10000  ..  1                    (fix)
(m) Frequency  [1/s]          0.1  ..  1000M                (fix)
(n) D = ωCR               0.00002  ..  10000             (slider)
(o) Q = ωL/R              0.00002  ..  10000
(p) Frequency  [MEG/s]      0.001  ..  10000                (fix)
(q) Inductance [H]            100  ..  0.01                 (fix)
(r) Resistance [Ω]           100M  ..  0.1               (slider)
(s)    or      {MΩ}            1M  ..  0.001
(t) Reactance  {Ω}           100M  ..  0.1
(u)            [Ω]          10000  ..  0.00001
(v) Inductance [mH]            10  ..  0.001                (fix)

***********       Set arrow opposite FREQUENCY - Read Ohms XC
                  opposite CAPACITY.
              (4) DISSIPATION FACTOR D
                  Set RESISTANCE opposite CAPACITY - Read D
                  opposite FREQUENCY
              (5) FIGURE OF MERIT Q
                  Set RESISTANCE opposite INDUCTANCE - Read Q
                  opposite FREQUENCY.
              (6) INDUCTIVE REACTANCE XL
                  Set arrow opposite FREQUENCY - Read Ohms XL
                  opposite INDUCTANCE.


H I S T O R I C A L   R E M A R K S :
                      adapted from  SHURE-HomePage

The SHURE RADIO COMPANY  was founded  1925 by  Sidney N. Shure in
Chicago  selling  successful  radio parts & kits  via mail-order.
In 1928 his  brother  Samuel J. Shure  joins  and  the company is
renamed  SHURE BROTHERS.  1932  Shure introduced  Model 33N,  the
first  lightweight,  high-performance  microphone.   Model 40D  a
condensor  microphone  &  Model 70  a crystal microphone follows.
With Model 55  SHURE became world famous  as a  MICROPHONE maker.
In 1946  SHURE  is  largest  producer  of  PHONOGRAPH CARTRIDGES.
In 1956  SHURE  moves  from Chicago  to Evanston, Illinois.  1958
the  M3D  Phonograph Cartridge  is  world's first  to meet stereo
performances.  1964  the  V-15 Stereo Dynetic Cartridge is one of
the finest ever made:  Featuring  a  15-degree  vertical tracking
angle and a symmetrical,  bi-radial elliptical  stylus ... Today,
Shure is a leading company for making microphones.

© C.HAMANN       07/20/10