
package multex.tool;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.StringReader;
import multex.Exc;
import com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc;
import com.sun.javadoc.RootDoc;

/**This doclet collects the exception message text pattern of each concrete Throwable-subclass.
 * Scans all Java sources, takes the javadoc main comment text of each concrete subclass of Throwable, and appends all of them to the
 * file given by the Doclet option <code>-out</code>. This file is lateron usable as a resource bundle for internationalizing
 * exception message texts.
 * Each Throwable message text pattern line will be in the format
 * <br>
 * <i>fully qualified internal class name</i>=<i>message text pattern</i>
 * <br>
 * for example
 * <br>
 * <code>net.sourceforge.banking.lg.Account$CreditLimitExc=The amount of {0} euros is not available on this account.</code>
 * <p><b>Multiple line text</b>: If the main javadoc comment consists of more than one line, a backslash is appended to each line,
 * except the last one. So the convention of the .properties files continuation lines is achieved.
 * As Javadoc removes leading white space on continuation lines, and java.util.Properties.load removes trailing white space,
 * two subsequent lines in the Javadoc comment will be collapsed into one logical line without even a space between them.
 * <br>
 * So in order to make a long exception message legible, you should break inside of a word or append \u0020 or \t to each physical line.
 * </p>
 * <p><b>Character Encoding</b>: The encoding used to interpret characters in the source files 
 *   can be set by the Javadoc option <code>-encoding</code>.
 *   In ANT use the attribute <code>Encoding="..."</code>.<br>
 *   The encoding used to encode characters when writing them to the -out file, is always ISO-8859-1, 
 *   as this is the only encoding usable for .properties files, see documentation of java.util.Properties.load(InputStream).
 * <br>
 * So in order to make a long exception message legible, you should break inside of a word or append <code>&#92;u0020</code> or <code>\t</code> to each physical line.
 * </P>
public class ExceptionMessagesDoclet {

    private static final String OUT_OPTION = "-out";

    /**Qualified class name of java.lang.Object*/
    private static final String JAVA_LANG_OBJECT = Object.class.getName();

    /**Qualified class name of java.lang.Throwable*/
    private static final String JAVA_LANG_THROWABLE = Throwable.class.getName();

    /**The destination, where to write the exception message texts.*/
    private java.io.PrintWriter out;

    /**Check for doclet-added options.
     * Allowed options:
     * <ul>
     *   <li><b>-out filename</b> : Indicates where to append the message lines.
     * </ul>
     * @param option the name of the option including the minus character, can be "-out" or "-outencoding".
     * @return number of arguments on the command line for an option including the option name itself. Zero return means option not known. Negative value means error occurred.
    public static int optionLength(final String option){
        if(OUT_OPTION.equals(option)){return 2;}
        return 0;

    /**Entry point to execute this Doclet. It will be invoked by the Javadoc tool.
     * @param i_rootDoc Comprising all classes to visit.
     * @return true
     * @throws Exception An error occured inside of this doclet.
    public static boolean start(final RootDoc i_rootDoc) throws Exception {
        new ExceptionMessagesDoclet()._execute(i_rootDoc);
        return true;

    /**Appends all exception message text patterns to the file named by option -out in encoding ISO-8859-1,
     * as this is the standard encoding for Java .properties files, 
     * see java.util.Properties.load(InputStream inStream).
     * @param i_rootDoc Comprising all classes to visit.
     * @throws Exception An error occured inside of this doclet.
    private void _execute(final RootDoc i_rootDoc) throws Exception {
        final String outFileName = _getOutputFilename(i_rootDoc.options());
        final File outFile = new File(outFileName).getAbsoluteFile();
        //final FileWriter fileWriter = new FileWriter(outFile, /*append*/true);
            throw new Exception("Output file " + outFile + " is a directory");
            throw new Exception("Cannot write to output file " + outFile);
        final FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(outFile, /*append*/true);
        final OutputStreamWriter outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(fileOutputStream, "ISO-8859-1");
        //this.out = new PrintWriter(fileWriter);
        this.out = new PrintWriter(outputStreamWriter);
        System.out.println(getClass().getName() + ": All exception message text patterns have been appended to file " + outFile);

    /**Gets the value of the doclet option -out.
     * This will be used as the name of the file to append the messages to.
     * @param options Each element of it is an array with it's first element being the option's name, the following elements being option values.
     * @return the filename where to add exception text property definitions
    private String _getOutputFilename(final String[][] options) {
        for(int i=0; i<options.length; i++){
            final String[] option = options[i];
                return option[1];
        throw new OutputFilenameMissingExc();
    public static class OutputFilenameMissingExc extends Exc {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -4465866427805576812L;
        public OutputFilenameMissingExc() {
            super("Missing name of output file, where to append the extracted exception text property definitions.\nUse Javadoc doclet option " + OUT_OPTION + " to indicate it!");

    /**Visits all classes contained in rootDoc. Visits the nested classes, too.*/
    private void _visitAll(final RootDoc rootDoc) throws Exception {
        final ClassDoc[] classDocs = rootDoc.classes();
        for (int i = 0; i < classDocs.length; ++i) {
            final ClassDoc classDoc = classDocs[i];
            //System.out.println("Visiting class " + classDoc);

    /**Vists the class in classDoc.
     * @throws TooNestedThrowableException
     * @throws IOException */
    private void _visitClass(final ClassDoc classDoc) throws TooNestedThrowableException, IOException{
        /*It seems that recursion is not necessary!
        final ClassDoc[] innerClasses = classDoc.innerClasses();
        for(int i = 0; i < innerClasses.length; ++i){
            final ClassDoc innerClassDoc = innerClasses[i];

    /**Prints the message text pattern for the class, if it is a concrete subclass of Throwable.
     * The main commentText (without tags) of the class is written in the Java property file format to {@link #out}.
     * @param classDoc representing the class to be checked.
     * @throws TooNestedThrowableException
     * @throws IOException
    private void _printMessageTextPatternOfThrowable(final ClassDoc classDoc) throws TooNestedThrowableException, IOException {
        if(classDoc.isAbstract() || classDoc.isOrdinaryClass()){return;}
        //Now classdoc is a concrete interface, annotation type, enum, exception, or error
        //out.println("class: " + classDoc);
        final String commentText = classDoc.commentText();
            System.err.println("Too short (<10ch) message text \"" + commentText + "\" for Throwable " + classDoc);
        final String key = _internalClassName(classDoc);
        this.out.print(" = ");

    /**Prints the multi-line text suitable for usage as value in a .properties file to this.out.
     * Each new-line in the text is printed as the sequence backslash, new-line.
     * At the end a simple new-line is printed.
     * @param multilineText The text to be printed in .properties multi-line format.
     * @throws IOException
    private void _printMultilineTextForPropertiesFile(final String multilineText) throws IOException {
        final BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(multilineText));
        for(boolean isContinuationLine=false;;){
            final String line = br.readLine();
            isContinuationLine = true;

    /**Throwable class {canonicalName} has more than one nesting level. Handling not yet implemented.*/
    public static final class TooNestedThrowableException extends Exception {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 2388470231622088395L;

        public TooNestedThrowableException(final String canonicalName){
            super("Throwable class " + canonicalName + " has more than one nesting level. Handling not yet implemented.");

    /**Returns the internal class name of the class.
     * @param classDoc the class documentation, from which to get the internal name.
     * @return the class name in the format of java.lang.Class.getName(),
     *         that means nested class identifiers are separated by a dollar sign ($),
     *         rather than by a period (.) from the identifier of the containing class.
     * @throws TooNestedThrowableException The internal class name would have more than one dollar character.
    private String _internalClassName(final ClassDoc classDoc) throws TooNestedThrowableException {
        final String canonicalName = classDoc.toString();
        final ClassDoc containingClass = classDoc.containingClass();
            //canonicalName does not contain a dollar ($) character.
            return canonicalName;
            throw new TooNestedThrowableException(canonicalName);
        final int indexOfLastDollar = canonicalName.lastIndexOf('.');
        final char[] characters = canonicalName.toCharArray();
        characters[indexOfLastDollar] = '$';
        final String result = new String(characters);
        return result;

    private boolean _isSubclassOfThrowable(final ClassDoc classDoc){
        final ClassDoc superClass = classDoc.superclass();
        final String superClassName = superClass.toString();
        //out.println("super: " + superClass);
        if(JAVA_LANG_THROWABLE.equals(superClassName)){return true;}
        if(JAVA_LANG_OBJECT.equals(superClassName)){return false;}
        return _isSubclassOfThrowable(superClass);
